pnoi-phone user research

conduct survey and interview of uses to understand needs and necessary app features for pnoi-phone





Pnoi-phone is an innovative acoustic-based respiratory diagnostic tool aimed at providing an affordable, portable, and non-invasive way to evaluate lung function and detect respiratory diseases like asthma and COPD. As such, it has three primary intended users: healthcare providers such as pulmonologists who would perform testing and diagnose, technicians who support testing, and patients getting tested.

(video: st. john: asthma patient struggling to use spirometry.)

pnoi-user research survey

User research survey for pnoi-phone.

To gather insights from these user groups, a user research was conducted in-context interviews and observations, seeking answers to questions like:

  • What challenges do you face in diagnosing respiratory illnesses today?
  • What would make spirometry/other testing easier and more effective?
  • Where do current solutions fall short?
  • How could a solution like Pnoi-phone fit into your diagnosis workflow?

About 9 to 10 months of interaction with people provided incredibly valuable perspectives. For one, I gained empathy for the difficulty both providers and the trouble patients face today for accurate diagnosis using traditional spirometry. At the same time, I better understood workflow and equipment needs from the technician point of view. Testing also revealed opportunities to simplify the device and testing process itself.

(spirometer image)

To Do:

A detailed report is yet to be made about the core findings and insights from the research. This will provide rationale for the design decisions for the pnoi-phone system.

For further details, refer

  • Pnoi-phone: Main post for Pnoi-phone project.
  • Pnoi Corpus: A multimodal breath sounds corpus of patients and controls (recorded with a high-end microphone and digital stethoscope) and corresponding PFT values.
  • Pnoi Stor: Data collection protocol, organisation scheme and storage for Pnoi-phone project.
  • Product Design: Design and development of Pnoi-phone biomedical device integrated with AI models to diagnose and monitor airway diseases.
  • Embedded System Design: Design and development of embedded system for Pnoi-phone biomedical device.
  • Pnoi-phone App: Design and development of Pnoi-phone android app.