teachers' day 2023

Space to share our gratitude for our mentor




For Teachers' Day on 5th September 2023, I wanted to do something special for our professor who has been an inspiring mentor over the years. Along with my labmates, I decided to create a gratitude webpage to showcase our messages to him.

Planning and Execution:

A few days before Teachers' Day, I reached out to all my labmates to contribute their messages and memories with professor. Everyone had heartwarming stories and words of appreciation to share, a few requested to be anonymous. I then built a simple webpage with all the messages mentorship, guidance, inspiration etc.


On the evening of Teachers' Day, we gathered together and projected the webpage on a screen. As professor read through the messages, shared some of his stories with all of us. He then spent time reminiscing about his journey and imparting life lessons. It was a memorable evening.

speech-pong-people speech-pong-people